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Val's Faves

Foto del escritor: val padillaval padilla
  1. Place; Beach, Seville and NYC

  2. Color; White

  3. Food; Mexican food and shrimp

  4. Book; The Happiness Of Pursuit

  5. Song; Vive

  6. Movie; Star Wars!!!

  7. Animal; Bird

  8. Hobby; Writing & listening to music

  9. Drink; Clamato

  10. Ice cream; Vanilla & mint

  11. Season; Summer 100%

  12. Sport; does Weight Lifting count as sport?

  13. Day; Friday! cause I love to party

  14. Restaurant; RPM & BJ's

  15. Dreams; To study medicine and have my own company.



© 2021 by Val Padilla.
thanks 4 being here hehe:)

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